alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes that may help to reduce the emotional and financial costs of divorce in appropriate cases without going to court.
information and links to other available resources related to domestic violence.
links to bar associations, free or reduced-fee legal services, court-sponsored assistance programs.
links to the Uncontested Divorce Forms Packet & Instructions, the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Uncontested Divorce Program, and other helpful forms for self-represented persons, lawyers, and court staff.
definitions of legal words you may hear in court or read on these web pages.
links to the Parent's Handbook and List of Parent Education Providers rev. January 2019
links to the Uniform Court Rules for Matrimonial Practice, matrimonial forms, contested divorce timeline & flowchart, child support standards chart, booklet on Part 36 appointments, and more.
links to information, forms, and instructions about child support
Offers resources on adoption, foster care, child abuse & neglect, child care, child support and more. From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Legal cases, projects, and other resources that impact children and their families. From the American Bar Association.
Offers resources on adoption, child abuse and neglect.
Covers AFCARS, CAPTA, Independent Living, MEPA/IEAP, Monitoring, SACWIS, Title IV-B, Title IV-E, and Tribes/Indian Tribal Organizations. From the Children's Bureau.
Connecticut laws and resources about birth and conception in the context of gestational agreements, inheritance rights of posthumously conceived children, and other parentage laws. By Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Libraries.
Connecticut laws and resources about issues of paternity in the context of inheritance rights, acknowledgement on birth certificates, father's rights, etc. By Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Libraries.
Offers resources on domestic violence, child custody and visitation, child support, children's rights, divorce, and separation. From CTLawHelp.
Provides assistance in locating parents, establishing paternity and enforcing support obligations. From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Offers a guide to resources in the law library. By the Connecticut Judicial Branch.
Offers information about international law conventions that pertain to child support and intercountry adoption. From the U.S. Department of State.
Offers resources on international child abduction.
Provides information on inter-country adoption.